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Password Encrypter


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TNT SoftWorks Password Encrypter can encrypt passwords inside image files and decrypt using the same program.

Save all of your passwords in an easy readable format. You can even use the image file as your background after encrypting your passwords into the image.

Want to save your passwords in a secure file that no-one will suspect...

Using Password Encrypter you can,

Simply load an image, select encrypt, enter your passwords and Click "Encrypt Now"

Visually the file will appear unchanged.

To reveal the encrypted passwords, load the image with the encrypted passwords, and click "Decrypt Now".

Supports using a password for extra security.

Passwords hashed with SHA2 and text encrypted using AES encryption method for added protection

Use the Load CSV button to load passwords via a CSV file. Currently only supporting a 4 entries per line csv file like the google password csv file 

Also supports creating random passwords. Simply select how long the password should be and click "Generate Password"

By clicking "Copy Password" you can immediately copy the password to your clipboard and paste as needed


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