Secure Delete, PDF Merger, PDF Folder Merger, PDF Restore Edit & File Encrypter
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Muli-Tool with popular tasks all in one app. Using this app you can securely delete a file with no way to restore from memory, you can merge chosen pdf files, merge a folder full of pdf files, remove edit restrictions from a pdf file and encrypt files for safe storage or emailing.
Secure Delete - Did you know deleted files can be restored from your hard drive using popular tools such as WinUnDelete. If the file is securely deleted, then the file can no longer be restored. Using Secure Delete, the file will be over-written several times before finally being deleted. Now and restored file will have no contents, keeping your private information safe.
PDF File - A simple tool for merging pdf files. Simply select the files to be merged, use the up and down arrows to change how the pages are arranged in the resultant pdf and click create PDF. The resultant file will be saved to the users desktop.
PDF Folder - Use this tool to merge all pdf files in the folder.
Unlock PDF - Have you ever had a pdf file that was locked from editing or printing? Using this tool you can remove these restrictions. Simply use the open button and select the file. Once the file is chosen, the app will unlock the restrictions and save the unlocked file to your desktop.
File Encrypter - Have you ever wanted to save a file on your pc (passwords, bank information, private information) but were worried about being hacked and someone being able to see your file? Using the file encrypter, you can encrypt the file so snooping eyes cannot open the file unless they have this app and the password you used to encrypt the file.